My daily routine

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The sunday in the morning I get up at 7: 00 am and I take a shower. After I go to the supermarket that is after of my house on the corner of street main with the street rio. I make breakfast in my kitchen that is after of  the room nex to of bedroom of my daughter.  I washed the dishes, I washed the clothes and clean my house.

My life is very active, in the morning I wake up at 5: 00 am of monday to Friday. I  make breakfast for my daughter and my husband. I go to Manga Larga in bus until the stop that on the corner of street Manga Larga with Duarte highway. I go to the college with my friends Kenia and Esteisi.

I after finish the class  return to my house at 9:00 pm. The Isfodosu finish the class very late and my city is between of Santiago and Santo Domingo. I don´t like hour by my routine is very heavy. When  arrive to my house in the night, I shower my daughter, I make dinner, after  I do my homework. 



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